Annual State Plan (2005-06) Outlays Of Chhattisgarh (Department Wise)

Sr. No. Major Heads/Minor Heads of Development Approved Outlay
I. Agriculture and Allied Activities  
  1. Crop Husbandry 4345.97
  2. Horticulture 0
  3. Soil and Water Conservation (including control of shifting cultivation) 291.1
  4. Animal Husbandry 5071.39
  5. Dairy Development 0
  6. Fisheries 403.99
  7. Forestry and Wildlife 7935
  8. Plantations 0
  9. Food,Storage and Warehousing 0
  10. Agricultural Research and Education 500
  11. Agricultural Financial Institutions 0
  12. Cooperation 8073.27
  13. Other Agricultural Programmes :  
  (a) Agriculture marketing 0
  (b) Others Agriculture Husbandary 7240.02
  (c) Food Stroge and Warehousing (Seed)  
  (d) Others Agriculture  
  Total - (I) 33860.74
II. Rural Development  
  1. Special Programme for Rural Development :  
  (a) Drought Prone Area Programme (DPAP) 3456.68
  (b) Desert Development Programme (DDP) 0
  (c) Integrated Rural Energy Programme (IREP) 0
  (d) Integrated Wasteland Development Projects 0
  (e) Swaranjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) 0
  (f) DRDA Administration 0
  (g) Others 0
  2. Rural Employment  
  (a) Sampoorna Gram Rozgar Yojana (SGRY) 8750
  (b) Swaranjayanti Gram Swarozgar Yojana (SGSY) 0
  (c) National Food for work Prog./NREGA  
  (d) Others  
  3. Land Reforms 158.31
  4. Other Rural Development Programmes  
  (a) Community Development and Panchayts 0
  (b) Other Programmes of Rural Development 33610.27
  TOTAL - II 45975.26
III. Special Areas Programmes 2345.52
IV. Irrigation and Flood Control  
  1. Major and Medium Irrigation 56068.65
  2. Minor Irrigation 33358.9
  3. Command Area Development (Including AIBP) 2301.3
  4. Flood Control (includes flood protection works) 25
  TOTAL - IV 91753.85
V. Energy  
  1. Power 10000
  2. Non-conventional Sources of Energy 5000
  3. Intergrated Rural Energy Programme (IREP)  
  TOTAL - V 15000
VI. Industry and Minerals  
  1. Village and Small Industries 1537.17
  2. Other Industries (Other than VSI) 5662.2
  4. Minerals 464.81
  TOTAL - (VI) 7664.18
VII. Transport  
  1. Ports and Light Houses 0
  2. Civil Aviation 83.95
  3. Roads and Bridges 53538.96
  4. Roads Transport 0
  5. Inland Water Transport 0
  6. Other Transport Services 0
  TOTAL - (VII) 53622.91
VIII. Communications 189
IX. Science,Technology and Environment  
  1. Scientific Research 358.03
  2. IT and e-Governence  
  3. Ecology and Environment 164.5
  4. Forest and Wildlife  
  TOTAL - (IX) 522.53
X. General Economic Services  
  1. Secretariat Economic Services 0
  2. Tourism 1844.37
  3. Census, Surveys and Statistics 17.99
  4. Civil Supplies 0
  5. Other General Economic Services :  
  a)District Planning / District Councils 0
  b) Weights and Measures 0
  c) Others 6740
  TOTAL - (X) 8602.36
XI. Social Services  
  1. General Education 65817.49
  2. Technical Education 1851.91
  3. Sports and Youth Services 2035.87
  4. Art and Culture 366.79
  Sub-Total (Education) 70072.06
  5. Medical and Public Health 14287.44
  6. Water Supply and Sanitation 19004
  7. Housing (incl. Police Housing) 3508.8
  (I) Indira Awaas Yojana (IAY)  
  8. Urban Development 7944.26
  (incl. State Capital Projects and slum Area Development)  
  9. Information and Publicity 60
  10. Welfare of SCs,STs and OBCs 22208
  11. Labour and Employment 2235.62
  12. Social Security and Social Welfare 9600.33
  13. Empowerment of Women and Development 0f Childer - Nutrition 10000
  14. Other Social Services. 3229.3
  TOTAL - (XI) 162149.81
XII. General Services  
  1. Police  
  2. Jails 437.91
  3. Stationery and Printing 50
  4. Public Works 3723.53
  5. Other Administrative Services :  
  (a) Training 948.4
  (b) Others 654
  (C) One time ACA  
  TOTAL - (XII) 5813.84
  GRAND TOTAL 427500
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