State Government Flagship Scheme - Other Scheme

स्वामी आत्मानंद अंग्रेजी माध्यम स्कूल योजना

Swami Atmanand English Medium School Scheme

This scheme has been started from the academic session 2020-21. A total of 171 Swami Atmanand English Schools have been opened in the state. About one lakh 72 thousand poor children are getting free education in English medium in these schools. 32 Swami Atmanand Excellent Hindi Medium Schools have also been started in the state. 76 more new English medium schools have been started from the academic year 2022-23.

हाफ बिजली बिल योजना

Half Electricity Bill Scheme

The Half Electricity Bill Scheme is being implemented by the Government of Chhattisgarh from March 1, 2019. Under this, consumers are being given a 50 percent discount on electricity consumption up to 400 units. So far, 41 lakh consumers have got a rebate of Rs 2500 crore from the scheme.

वन अधिकार मान्यता पत्र

Forest rights recognition letter

Chhattisgarh is the leading state in the country in the matter of giving rights to tribals and traditional forest dwellers over land occupied in forest areas. So far, a total of 5,03,993 forest rights recognition letters have been distributed in the state, out of which 4,54,415 individual forest rights letters, 45,847 community forest rights letters, and 3731 community forest resource rights letters have been provided, with more than 38.85 lakh hectares of land. has been allotted, which has become a source of livelihood for more than 5 lakh families.

राम वन गमन पर्यटन परिपथ

Ram Van Gaman Tourism Circuit

The Ram Van Gaman Tourism Circuit Project is being developed in Chhattisgarh at a cost of Rs 137 crore 45 lakh. Lord Shri Ram spent about 10 out of 14 years in Chhattisgarh during his exile. The first phase of the project includes Sitamarhi-Harchauka Ramgarh, Shivrinarayan, Turturia, Chandkhuri, Rajim, Saptarishi Ashram, Jagdalpur, and Ramaram. Development and beautification work in Chandkhuri and Shivrinarayan has been completed and inaugurated.

पिछले पृष्ठ पर जाने के लिए | पृष्ठ अंतिम अद्यतन किया गया, दिनांक:: 08-12-2022

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