Composition and Responsibilities of Rajya NITI Aayog

Rajya NITI Aayog was constituted as State Planning Board was constituted through the Finance, Planning, Economics & Statistics Department’s resolution dated 10..01.2001 in pursuance of declared objectives of the Government to promote a rapid rise in the standard of living of the people by efficient exploitation of the resources of the state.  Shri Vishnu Deo Sai is the Chairman of the State Planning Board. State on Planning Commission The District Planning Officers were entrusted with the responsibility of assessing all the resources of the U.S. in the preparation of the District Plan and setting priorities.

With effect from July 30, 2010, the name of the State Planning Board has been changed to State Planning Commission.

The State Planning Commission was reconstituted in the year 2014 with 4 official members (ministers), 5 non-official members, 2 permanent members, 1 part-time member, and 3 permanent invitees.

The State Planning Commission was reconstituted again in the year 7 January 2020.

In March 2024, the name of the State Planning Commission was changed to Rajya NITI  Aayog.

According to which the structure of the Commission is as follows -

Honorable Chief Minister or his Nominee


Full-time vice president

Nominated by the state government

Ex officio member (4)

Nominated by the Hon'ble Chief Minister from the State Council of Ministers

Whole time member (1)

Nominated by the state government

Non-official member (3)

Maximum 03 eminent persons from agriculture, industry, education, health, social sector, and economics (nominated by the state government)

Part time member (2)

Maximum 2 members. Nominated by the State Government as ex-officio members (on a one-year rotational basis) from major universities, research institutes, and other relevant institutions of the State.

Permanent invitee member

1. Chief Secretary
2.Secretary in-charge Finance/Planning, Economic and Statistics/Panchayat and Rural Development/Urban Administration and Development/Agriculture Science and Farmers Welfare and Biotechnology/Tribal and Scheduled Caste Development Department

Whole-time member secretary

Secretary level officer posted by the government



In the new scenario, the Commission has been assigned a new broader role and responsibility which includes -

  • Evaluating the economic and human resources of the state and suggesting measures for their most effective use and balanced development of all the areas of the state.
  • To make suggestions to the departments in the context of planning for Sustainable Development (SDG) and the objectives of "People's Manifesto" and keeping the principle of "inter-generational equity" at the center.
  • To give suggestions from time to time to the State Government for making Decentralized Planning, review and fix the priority of resource distribution on the basis of these plans.
  • To review and evaluate the progress of the schemes and programs run by the government and make suggestions to the government regarding their improvement.
  • Sponsoring useful diagnostic/analytical studies for the development of the state in various sectors and studying the policies and best practices found successful at the national and international level and giving opinions in terms of implementation in the state.
  • To give suggestions to the government to encourage by studying innovations.
  • To study the policies being adopted at national and global levels on governance and non-government subjects and to work as a Think Tank providing policy lead for the state.
  • To perform other tasks assigned by the Hon'ble Chief Minister and Chairman of, the Rajya NITI  Aayog from time to time.


In order to discharge the new responsibilities assigned to the  Commission, the Commission has constituted 14 Task Forces, in which eminent subject experts from the country and the state have been included.

  • Development of agriculture, water harvesting, food processing and allied sectors
  • Environmental Management
  • Social Security, Women's Empowerment, Labor Welfare
  • Art, Tourism, Archeology and Culture Promotion
  • Health nutrition and food security
  • Sports & Youth Welfare
  • Financial Resources Extension and Management
  • Rural Development and Management
  • Urban Development & Management
  • Tribal Development, Forest and Wildlife Management, Development of Minor Forest Produce Management Areas
  • Higher education
  • School education
  • Industry, Village Industries, Skill Development, Technical Education and Employment
  • Participatory Democracy and Decentralized Planning


पिछले पृष्ठ पर जाने के लिए | पृष्ठ अंतिम अद्यतन किया गया, दिनांक:: 27-06-2024

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